Communications Timeline (Example)
Download a Comprehensive Communication Guide to Prepare for Your Campaign/Event!
Major Milestones
Month 1
The Team will:
- Encourage nonprofits to sign up for Campaign/Event
- Network with and recruit local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify Campaign/Event ’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters
You should:
- Sign up for Campaign/Event and customize your profile
- Assemble your Campaign/Event team and involve them in planning how your Giving Day campaign will complement your annual fundraising strategy
- Attend a webinar to learn about Campaign/Event, how to promote your Campaign/Event, and how to recruit and utilize peer-to-peer fundraisers
- Discover all the resources available for you to use in your nonprofit toolkit (email marketing, social media posts, graphics, planning guide, and more!)
Month 2
The Team will:
- Work with local newspapers, radio stations, and other media outlets to continue spreading the word to a wider audience about Giving Day
- Continue offering trainings to nonprofits participating in Campaign/Event, and those interested in the opportunity, on giving day best practices.
- Develop content for nonprofits participating in Campaign/Event to use, and for use on #givingday social media pages, Facebook and Twitter.
You should:
- Craft your campaign story. How are you celebrating Campaign/Event? How will you use the funds raised during Campaign/Event? Why should donors give to you on Campaign/Event? Watch our Storytelling Training Video to learn more!
- Recruit fundraising champions for your campaign. You can use your Board, volunteers, or staff!
- Let your volunteers know you’re participating in Campaign/Event and you need their help in extra special ways! Give them meaningful assignments to fully engage them.
- Develop your messaging plan for the next 2 months to ensure your donors know you are participating in Campaign/Event on Campaign/Event. Download the email and social media timelines in the Nonprofit Toolkit to get a head start!
Month 3
The Team will:
- Provide more resources to local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify Campaign/Event’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters
- Continue promoting Campaign/Event to nonprofits across the region
You should:
- Send out a save the date email and social media post to all of your supporters! Download the Campaign/event “Save the Date” graphic from the Nonprofit Toolkit to make sure your messages stand out!
- Host a fundraising champion kick-off party to teach your fundraising champions best practices on fundraising!
Month 4
The Team will:
- Heavily promote Campaign/Event to all media outlets across the region
- Finalize partnerships with local businesses to benefit every nonprofit participating in Campaign/Event
You should:
- Post on social media regularly about Campaign/Event, using the hashtag ______
- Email your supporters with additional details about Campaign/Event. How do they give? Why should they give? When should they give?
- Ensure your campaign story and messaging are ready to go. Make a test donation to make sure you understand the process.
Day of
The Team will:
- Heavily promote Campaign/Event to all media outlets across the region
- Provide 24-hour support to all nonprofits and their supporters
You should:
- Post on social media regularly about Campaign/Event, using the hashtag _________
- Email your supporters with updates and how they can help your Campaign/Event
- Thank your supporters in real-time on social media, in emails, or give them a call!
- Celebrate!
The Team will:
- Share statistics from Campaign/Event, including nonprofit success stories, and describe the powerful change that will happen as a result of the generous donations to local nonprofits.
You should:
- Share the results from your Campaign/Event participation and what those results mean.
- Thank your donors and let them know exactly what their donations mean for your program.
- Send handwritten notes to your fundraising champions and your Board for their assistance.
- Send periodic updates on how the donations you received are being used. Keep your donors engaged by letting them know how their money is benefiting your organization and your cause.
- Engage with your donors on GiveGab after Giving Day by posting volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and hosting events!