Kim's Krew Inc.

Profile Expiration Date: September 21, 2025

Our Story

Kim's Krew Inc. is named after Kim Sellitto. Kim died as a result of domestic violence. Her parents, Cindy and Joe Sellitto started helping homeless members of the community in her name, They also started a support group for grieving parents. Kim's Krew became a nonprofit in 2020 with all the members of the board coming from the grieving parent support group.  We still have parents that have lost children on our board and in our organization.

After five years, Kim's Krew has grown from a "Mom and Pop" group to a unique, well respected nonprofit serving families in crisis in Manatee County. Grants from the CARES Act, Manatee Community Foundation, Charles and Margerie  Barancik Foundation, Sarasota Community Foundation, Univerassit Unitarin Association, Chuch of the Latter day saints, and  Bishop-Parker Foundation, to name a few , have allowed us to survive and grow. 

We started helping families from Cindy and Joe's garage, moved to a 450 square feet pantry space which lost its roof during Hurricane Milton, and now are centrally located, in a remodeled 1000 square feet pantry/office with off grid solar for 5 refidgerator/freezer and airconditioning.  to allow us to operate during power outages. We are currently working on a Memeoandum of Understanding to allow Manatee County EMS personanel  to have access to our pantry and prestocked hurricane supplies should they be needed.

Kim's Krew has focused on the underserved population of Manatee County, primarily those that, due to medical conditons and lack of support cannot access the other 107 food pantries in Manatee County. Prior to the destruction of Milton, we had grown to serve an average 100 families (275 people) per month and after being open 45 days are quickly making our way back. Of those 100 families we see a monthly average of 84% that have a medical problem contributing to their food insecurity.

Listed below are some of the services offered by Kim's Kew that make us unique not only to Manatee County but to the area:

- Groceries for 3 meals a day for 30 days for each member of the family.#1 Groceries for an average of 20,000 meals per month. This gives our clients a chance to catch their breath, heal, and apply for other programs. #2 

- Clients are allowed to order groceries they can and will eat. So in a time of limited surplus food supply we waste almost no food. #3

- We provide food for special diets such as those required by diabetics, gluetin free, low sodium, recent sergeries, kidney dialisis, cancer teatments, those requiring soft foods or liquid nutritional supplents due to a medical conditions. We also provide blenders and food processors for those that have dental deficiances to increase the food they can access.

- We utilize the expertise of a volunteer licensed dietician from Manatee County Rural Health to offer foods for special medical conditions and even call on her to reach out to the patient's doctor if their is a need for clarification. In crisis, people may not get or understand how important diet is to their health. She also helps set up what we offer and how much.

-We are a delivery only food pantry and cover all 893 square miles of Manatee County.

-Kim's Krew is set up to deliver to clients in emergency situations in 24 hours or less. That may explain why the EMS, Safe Children's Coalition, MCR Health, Sheriff's Department, and Meals on Wheels Plus are some of the many agencies that refer clients that are in desperate need to Kim's Krew.

- Along with food, clients are offered hygiene products such as tooth paste, shampoo, women's products, toothbrushes, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bed pads, and adult and baby diapers. Cleaning products such as laundry detergent, dish detergent, spray cleaner, and disinfectant wipes are also available.

- Our clients are often not able to cook at a stove due to health reasons or access. When appropriate we offer small kitchen appliances such as hot plates, microwaves, crockpots, flatware, dishes, cups, and can openers to help them prepare and eat more foods thus increase their food access. Sheets, towels and blankets are also available to keep them clean and warm.

- Kim's Krew has about 10 voluntary trained case managers working with our clients. We give accurate referrals to clients for other agencies and explain what they themselves need to provide and what to expect even down to what day to make the call or who to ask for. We do not just rattle off a bunch of phone numbers which can lead to more confusion and decease the resilience which can make the crisis situation worse. 

- Clients work with the case managers to set up a plan. It contains parts that Kim's Krew will do and parts for the client to do. Clients can requalify in 30 days and this plan will gone over during that time. 



Kim's Krew Inc.

1836 14th St W
Bradenton, Florida 34205

Melissa Seus
Phone: 540-379-8300